Sunday 29 May 2011

Where am I at?

Hey everyone,

Well, last Thursday I gained 1.1 kg and I was shattered. I have been eating properly, exercising heaps and drinking water so why is this happening? I will not give in! I will keep following the nutritional advice I am receiving from Lola Berry and I will keep going to the gym and working out with Josh, my personal trainer.

Despite not losing kilograms, my clothes are getting bigger on me, I am able to do much more around the house, I feel like I am breathing easier and I am starting to sleep properly as well. I know that these benefits are keeping me positive. Having to remember my goals and keep focused has been difficult but achievable with all the support that I am receiving from my family, friends, Mix 101.1, Brig and Lehmo and everyone who has pledged to support me on this journey. To all of you I say a huge Thank You!

Talk to you soon

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