Friday 6 May 2011

Day 1 - 6th May 2011

Hi there,

Well it is day one of my 12 week challenge. My biggest challenge for this week is to try and eat breakfast. I know it sounds so easy, but it is very difficult. I feel physically ill looking at food in the mornings. But I spoke to Lola Berry and she suggested that I have some warm water with the juice of half a lemon within an hour of waking up and that should clean out my liver and stimulate my appetite. This tip and loads more came from Lola's new book "Inspiring Ingredients" and there is more information from Lola at

So I have had my lemon drink and I tried to have a slice of toast with vegemite but I was only able to eat half of it. I do feel much more awake now compared to when I don't have anything in the mornings and I am looking forward to going to the gym this afternoon with my 16 year old. I hope that I am able to keep having my lemon drinks and breakfast in the mornings and I know it is going to be a daily challenge for a while but I really want to make a change to my life and I will do whatever I need to do to lose this weight in a healthy way so that I can keep it off.

I went to the gym today with my 16 year old son and then went for a swim with him and his 10 year old brother and my husband. It was a lot of fun but today I really struggled to get there. I am glad that I went and I do feel much better for going but sometimes it can be so very hard. I guess that is partly what a lot of my weight issue has been, unable to get motivated. It is great having my kids and husband here to motivate me. I hope I feel a little bit better tomorrow.

Until then, stay safe

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