Tuesday 10 May 2011

Feeling good - breathing easier

Hey there,

I don't know how to explain how much better I am feeling just by being more active and drinking more water. I am still struggling a lot to eat breakfast and I will speak to Lola about that this week. My sleep patterns are also all over the place so if anyone has any tips on getting to sleep I am eager to hear them.

I am loving going to the gym and the pool. Yesterday I was able to stay on the stepper machine for 3 minutes, two weeks ago I struggled to stay on it for 1 minute. And today, I went to the pool and swam 500 metres. I feel so much better, I am able to breathe much easier and I am not relying on my asthma puffer as much as I was. I am able to chase the grand daughter around, and that is so much fun and hearing her laugh is awesome.

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