Thursday 5 May 2011

What a day!

Hi there,

As I was travelling to the Mix 101.1 studio this morning, I had no idea just how big an impact I would have. I went in merely to say 'thank you' to Brig and Lehmo and the staff at Mix 101.1 for helping me to turn a major corner in my ongoing battle with weight loss. Having so many people ring in to share their stories was fantastic and made me realise that I am not alone in the weight loss battle, I know it sounds silly, but I truly felt that I was alone and that no-one understood what I was going through. I hope that through this blog, I can share some information that has helped me, answer any questions and receive advice from others living with a weight issue. I would love to hear any tips that anyone has and I hope that I can share an insight to the daily battle of changing my lifestyle to improve my health.

Being given the opportunity to meet Lola Berry and to discuss my eating issues with her was awesome. The goal that Lola has set for me this week is to try having some warm water with fresh lemon juice within an hour of getting up and to eat breakfast. I know 'eating breakfast' sounds like an easy thing to do, but for me, I get physically ill at the sight of food in the mornings. Lola suggested that even starting with a bite of an apple is better than eating nothing. So, beginning tomorrow (6th May 2011), I will try the lemon drink - this apparently stimulates the metabolism first thing in the morning, and I will try to eat breakfast. Maybe to start with I might have banana smoothies, that way I am at least having something - and Lola agreed that this might be a good way for me to start having breakfast initially.

Imagine my surprise when Lehmo told me that Mix 101.1 were giving me a 12 month platinum membership with Fitness First and that we will design a 12-week program to help me to get down to a size 14-16 dress for my 40th birthday. How do you thank people that want to help extend your life? Who have already indirectly assisted in extending my life? And the greatest part of all is that information I get from Lola and my personal trainer will be shared on the Mix 101.1 website:

So if you are wanting to change your lifestyle, please join me in my 12 week challenge.

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