Tuesday 14 June 2011

What a boost!

I went out with my 16 year old son this afternoon and noticed that there were some tracksuit pants for only $12. I spoke to my son and he suggested that I get a pair in a size 24, I didn't think that they would fit, but they do and quite comfortably! What a boost it is to know that I am losing something somewhere even if it doesn't always show on the scales. And if ever I needed a positive boost it was today. I have been struggling so hard to eat properly and exercise this week, having a cold has not helped, but I should not allow it to stop me from committing to this challenge. Of course, I am my harshest critic, and no-one can be as harsh on me as I am on myself. But I am going to get back on course tomorrow, 100%.

I can not wait until I can fit into a size 14-16 pair of pants, but that will come with commitment. I also want to thank my family for reminding me of what is important in my life.

Till next time

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